Tricon offers more than 40 years of expertise and know-how
within development, production and commissioning
of electrical control systems, electronical products and components.
Automation Systems
Design and production of electrical control panels and control systems for Machinery, Data Centers, Industry, Offshore, Marine and Navy – certified according to the applicable Industry- and UL standards.
Wires, Cable Assemblies and Wire Harness
OEM customized wires and cables for electronics, box-build and electrical control panels
Consulting Services
Access highly specialized knowledge within design, calculations, and industry standards
Quality assurance, optimisation and testing
Tricon delivers quality products worldwide in compliance with applicable certifications and legislation.
Proud of the past - ready for the future
Tricon is a family-owned company based on high professionalism and development of customised solutions. We have long-standing relationships - with our customers as well as with our employees. Our values give us a strong foundation to ensure our continuous development and drive.
Tricon - who are we?
Tricon has its headquarters, development and production in Kolding and a specialised production department in Hungary and is a modern company and workplace. Our special set-up makes us competitive in quality, delivery time, consultancy and price, and more than once, we have been chosen as the "Supplier of the Year" by our customers.
Our values and history
Although Tricon is always on the move, our core values are as old as the company.
Our history
It all began in 1981 when three colleagues decided to set up their own company, Tricon Styre-og Reguleringsteknik.
Gejlhavegaard 1 , DK-6000 Kolding
About Tricon Electric A/S
Commitment, development and perseverance for more than 40 years have made Tricon one of the industry's leading suppliers of electrical controls, electronics and know-how